
Picture of Gloria Florexil, a black Caribbean-American woman smiling

Gloria Florexil, CPEC. BC

CEO of Flourish Within

  • During their teenage years, Gloria engaged in construction, supporting initiatives such as Habitat for Humanity. Additionally, their dedication extended to childcare and involvement with church stewards.

  • During her early and mid-20s, she engaged in various roles across different industries, including interior and architectural design, contributing to projects from standard to high-end estates. Gloria's diverse professional journey involved experiences in sectors such as the university, family foundation, technology company, senior care, construction, retail, and health and wellness, among others. She has assumed roles ranging from executive assistance, executive coaching, marketing, sales and business development to project management, general management, advisory positions, and more. Her expertise extends across a spectrum from low-level management to C-suite executive responsibilities. Previously, Gloria represented the USA at a prestigious international entrepreneurial event and a world-class diplomatic gathering.

  • Currently, serves as the founder and CEO of an executive coaching and behavior analytics company. In addition to this role, she is the head of operations at a construction firm and is also a Notary Public.

Gloria studied for a Master of Landscape Architecture at Florida International University.